On: Summer.

“S u m m e r” Summer looks like soft spatterings of viridescent emeralds, vermillions and sages atop thick mighty crumbly tree trunks. She looks like the strappy tops we find at the bottom of…

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The Jar.

Long time no blog friends! If you are buds with me on social media, you may have seen that it’ll be going on a blog break to get re-inspired again. Life has been… tumultuous to…

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The Jar.

Long time no blog friends! If you are buds with me on social media, you may have seen that it’ll be going on a blog break to get re-inspired again. Life has been… tumultuous to…

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Flowers & Future.

Do you know why after almost eight years, I still write on this blog? (even though blogging is apparently dead – although that’s another story for another day…) Is it the thrill of gaining new…

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Flowers & Future.

Do you know why after almost eight years, I still write on this blog? (even though blogging is apparently dead – although that’s another story for another day…) Is it the thrill of gaining new…

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On: A Few Things Friendship Has Taught Me This Year.

The tips of my fingers were starting to feel a little numb from the cold and with it, I could feel the flickering embers of irritation being fed with each minute of lateness that my…

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With A Spring In My Step.

Cherry Blossoms have begun precariously blooming here and there around London, unsure, much like myself if we’ve *actually* entered spring yet, or if there is still more snow, sleet and sharp winds to come. Regardless,…

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With A Spring In My Step.

Cherry Blossoms have begun precariously blooming here and there around London, unsure, much like myself if we’ve *actually* entered spring yet, or if there is still more snow, sleet and sharp winds to come. Regardless,…

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Svo Hljótt.

My late teens are where silence became a solace for me. In the quiet, I learned to truly listen to myself without the swirling noise of the chaos called the world to bend, break and…

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Svo Hljótt.

My late teens are where silence became a solace for me. In the quiet, I learned to truly listen to myself without the swirling noise of the chaos called the world to bend, break and…

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