This Week In Photos [1].
In addition to sharing snippets that don’t quite fit on the curated Instagram grid over on my stories, this week I thought about documenting daily life this week through a series of more ‘mundane’ photos…
View PostIn addition to sharing snippets that don’t quite fit on the curated Instagram grid over on my stories, this week I thought about documenting daily life this week through a series of more ‘mundane’ photos…
View PostWhen I first received these images from Angela, I sat mouth agape at how utterly talented she is with her camera. I nervously ummed and ahhhed as to how to piece together some sort of…
View Post💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘 As a child Mulan was (and still is) my favourite Disney film. I admired Mulan’s strength and tenacity, in short I wanted to be just like her. I also noted at a young age…
View PostSo, I didn’t quite achieve the whole basking in the south of France under a 30 degree sun, sipping on the finest French wine holiday goal I thought I would after postgrad. I did spend…
View PostSo, I didn’t quite achieve the whole basking in the south of France under a 30 degree sun, sipping on the finest French wine holiday goal I thought I would after postgrad. I did spend…
View Post“You’re going to be twenty six! In the blink of an eye you’ll be thirty!” My friend exclaimed excitedly. Where she was filled to the brim with excitement at the thought of me adding another…
View Post“What are those lines on your face?” enquired my sister curiously. I glanced in the mirror and sure enough, it looked like my mouth was encased between two deeply etched brackets. I rubbed said brackets…
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